Flowe cutting |
Here are some things that I have made from paper.
I did that flower themed paper cutting work during my summer holiday. I used an old book page as my material.
Tässä olisi joitakin juttuja jotka olen tehnyt paperista.
Tein tuon kukka teemaisen paperi leikkuu työn kesälomani aikana. Käytin vanhaa kirjan sivua materiaalina.
This is a card which I made for my cousins birthday.
I have a butterfly stap which I got when I bought a crafting magazine.
Tämä on kortti,jonka tein minun serkkuni syntymäpäiväksi.
For my friend I decorated an envelope,where I drew simple butterflies.
Koristelin kaverilleni kirjekuoren,johon piirsin yksinkertaisia perhosia.
Tein kaverilleni onnittelu kortin.
I made a congratulation card for my friend.
En muista milloin olen tehnyt tuon origami kukan. I don't remember when I have made that origami flower.
Butterflly envelope back side |
Butterfly envelope front part2 |
Butterfly envelope front part 1 |
Wonderfully done I love butterflies alot it is so great have you made this for me ;)
VastaaPoistaWonderfully done I love butterflies alot it is so great have you made this for me ;)