Tässä olisi muutama farkku projekti, jotka olen tehnyt.
Olen käyttänyt materiaalina farkkupaloja, jotka minulta oli jäänyt yli vanhoista projekteista.
Tein tänään tuon kaulakorun ja minä tykkään tuosta lopputuloksesta.
Tuossa on tuo rannekoru jonka tein myös tänään, käytin sen pohjana farkkupaidasta leikkaamaani ranneketta. Ja päälle liimasin paloja vetoketjusta. Minun mielestä tästä tuli todella kivannäköinen.
Viimeisenä on pieni unisieppari ja tein sen eilen illalla.
Here are a few denim project, which I have made.
As the material I have used leftover pieces of denim, which I had as leftovers from my old projects.
Today I made that necklace and I like that result.
There is that bracelet, which I also made today, as the base I used wristband which I cutted from an old denim shirt. And on top of that I glued pieces of zippers. I think that this became really nice looking.
Finally there is a small dreamcatcher and I made it yesterday evening.
Olen käyttänyt materiaalina farkkupaloja, jotka minulta oli jäänyt yli vanhoista projekteista.

Viimeisenä on pieni unisieppari ja tein sen eilen illalla.

As the material I have used leftover pieces of denim, which I had as leftovers from my old projects.
Today I made that necklace and I like that result.
There is that bracelet, which I also made today, as the base I used wristband which I cutted from an old denim shirt. And on top of that I glued pieces of zippers. I think that this became really nice looking.
Finally there is a small dreamcatcher and I made it yesterday evening.

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